When I started to learn how to meditate, I found I needed guidance, and the guidance that I was seeking bored me stiff. So I started to write my own, infusing vibrational healing into every word, I take you on a journey through your psyche, connecting into soft grace, empowerment, and grounding.
Ground With The Trees
Take a journey into the belly of a tree, finding grounding in the earth through your body as it connects to the universe.
All meditations by Lea Morrison Healing are copyrighted Lea Morrison Meditations ©
Ten Minute Body Relaxation
In this 10 minute relaxation meditation, you will be guided to connect mind to body; resulting in grounding and calmness. Best done mid-day for an energy boost, or at the end of the day to relax into sleep.
All meditations by Lea Morrison Healing are copyrighted Lea Morrison Meditations ©
Affirmations For Anxiety
Sometimes the world is overwhelming and we need a little help washing away the anxiety and finding some calmness within the chaos. Join me for this quick visualization and affirmation journey, welcoming in bliss and relaxation for a better more grounded version of your own self.
All meditations by Lea Morrison Healing are copyrighted Lea Morrison Meditations ©
Breathe Into Your Life
Life is messy and glorious and stressful at times. What does time mean to you within the parameters of your life and the power you hold to influence it? Join me on a reflective journey into choices and love of your own life.
All meditations by Lea Morrison Healing are copyrighted Lea Morrison Meditations ©
Centering Your Heart
Feeling into your heart is transformative for healing. It is often a beautiful opening when we can dive inwards with permission to expand outwards. Freeing ourselves from the confines of life, dive into the eye of your heart with grace, witnessing the universe within your own self.
All meditations by Lea Morrison Healing are copyrighted Lea Morrison Meditations ©
Connect With Your Inner Child
What does it mean to connect with your inner child? Join me on this journey of innocence and love as you connect to childhood scenes from a youthful experience of pure joy.
All meditations by Lea Morrison Healing are copyrighted Lea Morrison Meditations ©
Pandemic Relief
Sometimes we need a little rest from the world and all of its stress. Join me on this quick relief from pandemic effects as you journey through the tress, breaking free from responsibility - if only for a moment.
All meditations by Lea Morrison Healing are copyrighted Lea Morrison Meditations ©
Full Moon Release
Enjoy this guided visualization about the Full Moon and release all your worries as she shines her light above you.
All meditations by Lea Morrison Healing are copyrighted Lea Morrison Meditations ©
Guided Silence
Silence is underrated. Enjoy this unedited 12 minutes as I guide you through pure intention to just BE.
All meditations by Lea Morrison Healing are copyrighted Lea Morrison Meditations ©
Lea Morrison of Lea Morrison Healing is a therapeutic counselor in training with over a decade of experience in personal development, trauma-informed coaching, and mentorship. Lea has dedicated her work to helping individuals understand how their personal history and nervous system responses shape their healing journey. She has facilitated workshops, retreats, and in-person programs for the past ten years, supporting both individuals and professionals—including counselors, physicians, and holistic practitioners—seeking a grounded, accessible approach to trauma recovery and self-empowerment.
While Lea integrates trauma-informed education, nervous system regulation, and somatic energy healing into her work, her guidance is not a replacement for medical, psychological, financial, or legal advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All information provided is meant to complement, not substitute, professional medical or mental health care. Clients are encouraged to consult with their trusted healthcare provider before beginning any new healing practices. Lea’s role is to create a safe, supportive, and ethically grounded space where individuals can explore healing in a way that aligns with their unique needs.